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Online Therapy &

Outdoor Nature-Based Therapy 


This is me

Hi. My name is Stephen and I am here to walk alongside you and provide a safe and supportive environment while you take the next step in moving on from the past; coming to terms with the present and starting to look towards a brighter future.

I am a counsellor who has struggled with his own trauma history, so I know what it is like to feel trapped and not know how to get out of a difficult place. I know what it is like to hide those feelings and to feel shame. I also know how difficult it can be be to reach out for support. 

This is why I have established Trauma and Addiction Therapy - because I dont want others to feel like they have nowhere to turn and because I know that talking to a professional therapist can make a real difference.

If this strikes a chord with you - even if you're unsure - please just get in touch and we can have a 30 minute chat by video call about how I might be able to support you! 

Stephen at Harrop Tarn in the snow
Trauma can result from a single stab wound, but can also result from a thousand little paper-cuts over time.

Matthias Barker

My understanding of trauma

Trauma is a fear that comes from the past but is impacting the present. It's not the event that happened; but the unresolved stress that stays in our bodies after that event because we were unable to process it. Two people can experience the same thing but whilst one might ride the storm and come through it unscarred; the other can be impacted by it longer term. Unresolved trauma can go on to affect our choices without us even realising it, but with understanding and support, we can recognise and heal these wounds, rewriting our story for a better future.

My understanding of addiction

Imagine our brains are like a toolbox - with healthy tools like talking or walking, and rusty ones like drugs or unhealthy relationships. Rusty tools might numb pain temporarily - they might get the job done, but they aren’t a long-term solution.

Breaking free from addiction involves rediscovering healthy ways to cope with difficult emotions and addressing the underlying pain or trauma causing the need for those unhealthy tools.

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